
11 May 2010

Creative Thinking

Designers are continuously faced with the challenge of coming up with a design solution that is unique and original. However, sometimes coming up with that idea can be difficult. Read through this article on what contributes to designer's block and how to overcome it. You might be surprised to find that some of the suggested solutions for overcoming creative block are quite simple! Respond and react to this reading for your participation for week 2.


ANTHONY V said...

These were some useful points that seem to have a good amount of logic to help back them up. Good things Good things. Designer block is a bummer but It happens to every designer.

Michael said...

I totally agree. I have creative and writer blocks, but then my idea comes out of the blue and sometimes it causes me to loose sleep. Good article nice to know I'm not the only one.

Jess Newell said...

That was very interesting. Some of the points were something i would never think of. Like being in a good mood and mindset helps your creative juices flow. So if I'm doing homework while I'm sick, can I blame my bad design on not feeling well? :)

Gina Re said...

There are a lot of good suggestions about getting over designer's block which I mostly have time to time. Sometimes I have to take a break for a few days to clear my mind. This article was very helpful.

garman design said...

Well i know that anxiety plays a large part for me as a designer. But the tips that they listed can help drastically. Getting a goods night sleep helps your mind rest so that the next day you can think clearly and perhaps get over your design blockage. But its the simple things like getting up and moving a little, watching what you eat, and look at videos and art work of others to help spark your creativity.

BRTNYparker said...

I definitely agree with the article~ I sometimes go through this myself, and usually just find myself taking a step back to clear my thoughts. The 9 tips listed will help me out a great deal...

Kelsey Johnson said...

I think this is a great article for any designer to read. Everyone goes through times when they have a mental block and it can be upsetting. I feel like designers of all ages can relate to this article.

Lauren McCartney said...

There were a lot of helpful hints the article provided when dealing with designer block. The article even shows how designer block can result from personal habits.

HottJon said...

This was a nice list of "should do's" and "don't do's" for getting over the block of designers. i know this has happened to me but i have found that if you strike new inspiration by watching movies or simply just listening to music or going outside to work does wonders for overcoming that brink wall...

Curtis_12 said...

Designers block sucks. And recently while doing a lot of these new assignments I get it. Thanks to this article I will be able to apply some of these tips and overcome them.

SHarkn said...

It makes sense. especially the part about fear. i think my worst block is that i fear i'm running out of time. Especially with so much going on at once. i end up rushing and the design doesn't turn out the way it should.