
26 May 2010


How do you know if someone is monitoring your online activity? It's one thing to forget to log out of, say your email, when you leave campus, but as you get ready to enter the workforce, you need to consider your online presence. Just for kicks, google yourself...what comes up? Anything that you don't want a potential employer (or even your date, or worse your mother) to see?

In the past week, Facebook has drawn discussion about their privacy settings. Many of you are regular Facebook users - in some cases spending waaaay too much time on the site - so what do you think about how Facebook is handling this issue?

The last thing you want is to exclude yourself from a potential job by having non-work-appropriate content viewable by anyone. Follow this link to take other precautions to protect your identity online. What do you think – does privacy matter to you?


Kelsey Johnson said...

I feel that privacy is a big issue involving the internet, however, I do not feel very threatened by it right now. I googled myself and there was very little to nothing about me. I feel like if someone were to start invading my privacy then I would def. become more aware of where I put my name on the internet, but as for now I don't really think about it.

Michael said...

Yes privacy really matters to me, beyond imagine. Everytime I log onto Facebook I check privacy settings and I make sure who can see what and how it's seen. I run it thru tests. I've had my picts stolen by a friend who became my enemy and were posted in absurd dating sites, that I don't care to talk about. What's a good thing about it is that an IP address can be traced by proper authorities. My picts were connected to FB and were even saved as the FB file extension. How stupid was that persons? lol. Since privacy is so important to me I don't even put my personal info, I didn't even put my current school. I'm really cautious about what I write and where I post. give me a sec I need to regoogle myself....

Gina Re said...

I believe that privacy is very important because that is your space and you don't want anyone to invade it. So on my private settings at any websites I am a member I get my personal info confidential so I won't worry about intruders.

ANTHONY V said...

The Big Brother is always watching

Liz Lappin said...

I am not to concerned about privacy online honestly, although that is mostly because I only put things online that I don't mind everyone seeing. I do Google myself on occasion, and never find anything that concerns me. I do take the precautions of- 1. never uploading anything to Facebook that I would mind getting stolen, and 2. keeping all privacy setting very private. I think the most important thing to remember is that if its online its not necessarily secure, and if you never post it, no one can steal it.

garman design said...

Well it is human nature to want to have some personal privacy. And with the amount of our private lives shown on facebook and other social medias that privacy is limited. But personally I dont have anything to hide, no embarrassing or incriminating pictures or information. So as of right now I am content with the way things are set up.

HottJon said...

I feel that privacy is good when working on the web. It is something that you always need to be aware of and be carful of where and what you are streaming to other people. Now a days though, the internet is the way to advertise and share all of your work, so thinking about that aspect of things I don't mind being private. I just would hate to see any of my creations being used or stolen without my permission, its a fight that is just going to get harder as we move along on the internet. Just have to learn how to be more carful!

Curtis_12 said...

I think privacy is important. And I also think that employers should not be worried about what your putting on facebook in your spare time as long as your work is being done.

Curtis_12 said...
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BRTNYparker said...

I feel that privacy is a VERY important issue amongst all internet surfers. When I googled myself, there were many articles from playing high-school basketball (6 years ago) that can still be veiwed by anyone. Although I wish some of my not-so good games could not have been recorded, there viewable by anyone! As for facebook, myspace, twitter etc. I believe that people shouldnt post things that they would not want coming back on them. Thats pretty simple.

SHarkn said...

Privacy is definitely a good thing. With facebook and other social networking sites people have a lot of friends and a lot of those friends are family members and family members of friends. I've personally seen quite a few instances where someone has shared a view that they probably shouldn't have. at least not on such a public forum. And as hilarious as it is to see their mother's response to said comment, it is also quite embarrassing for the original poster.

Jess Newell said...

There are about 60 jessica newells in the US alone, so if someone googled me, they're screwed. they'll find the wrong jess. i've tried. on facebook i have everything set to private, if you're not my friend you can see my display picture and that's about it. on my own laptop i never log out of anything because it's MY laptop and if people get on it i'll punch them. however before my mom got her own laptop she would use mine and she went on my facebook and added herself. (i refuse to add my mom to facebook, she'll just tell me what i can and can't post and make me be her neighbor on farmville or whatever she plays.) but mother dearest forgot that facebook notifies you when someone adds you as a friend BWAHAHAHA!!! other then that, i don't really care if people were to find me on the internet, if i don't want someone to find out something i did, then i most certainly would not post it on the internet, or tell my grandpa, because then the whole world could know.

Jess Newell said...

let me make a small correction: if you type in "jess newell" in the images part of google, you'll find a single picture of me, which is a few years old. it's from blogspot, so if they click on it, they'll be shown my horrid art work, lol.

Lauren McCartney said...

I believe internet privacy can be a serious issue, but as long as you are smart about it then there should be no problems. Younger kids, like my sister, do not seem to understand how powerful the internet can be. When I pretty much lived on "Myspace" I could hack anyones profile or read any hidden information regardless of most settings. All people have to do is google "how to view a private profile" and it gives you step by step instructions. I never post anything on the internet I would not want my mother reading or seeing so I do not have anything to hide from possible employers or other people. When I googled myself I found articles in the newspaper-about me making Dean's List. If only information like that appears then I do not mind the internet.